Viale Premuda 14, 20129 Milano - - 0250030724


IBM Watson Discovery for Developers - eLearning 

Codice corso: W7068G-WBT
Durata corso: 6.50hr


In this 6 hour web-based training (WBT), you will learn how Watson Discovery lets business analysts and developers rapidly build cognitive, cloud-based exploration applications that unlock actionable insights hidden in unstructured data — including your own proprietary data, as well as public and third-party data.


Analysts, Developers, and others who need to monitor machine learning jobs


• Basic knowledge of cloud platforms, for example IBM Cloud  
• Basic understanding of enterprise search and natural language


• Discovery overview: Architecture of Watson Discovery 
• Discovery overview: Administering security in Watson Discovery 
• Discovery overview: Creating a collection 
• Configuring a Discovery collection 
• Ingesting data into a Discovery collection 
• Querying a Discovery collection 
• Querying a Discovery collection: Relevancy training 
• Querying a Discovery collection: Passage retrieval


Course Outline

Discovery overview: Architecture of Watson Discovery 
• Describe Discovery architecture in a cloud environment 
• Describe content creation within Discovery 
• Describe Discovery data collection runtime flows 
• Describe Discovery user runtime flows 

Discovery overview: Administering security in Watson Discovery 
• List types of security used in Watson Discovery on Cloud 
• Describe how Discovery service credentials are used 
• Describe a common use case for securing private data within Discovery 

Discovery overview: Creating a collection 
• Instantiate Watson Discovery 
• Connect to a Discovery instance 
• Create a collection 

Configuring a Discovery collection 
• Configure enrichments for a paticular business case 
• Use tooling and APIs to configure a Discovery collection 
• Use Smart Document Understanding to identify fields from documents 

Ingesting data into a Discovery collection 
• Describe use cases for using APIs, tooling and data sources to ingest data 
• Describe the steps for ingesting documents into Discovery 
• Perform ingestion operations such as add, update and delete documents 
• Describe ingestion limitations 

Querying a Discovery collection 
• Explain simple, combined and aggregate queries 
• Explain search and structure parameters, operators and aggregation types for querying a collection 
• Use the Discovery query language for constructing queries 

Querying a Discovery collection: Relevancy training 
• Explain the purpose of relevancy training 
• Detail the process of using relevancy training for improving results 

Querying a Discovery collection: Passage retrieval 
• Explain the purpose of passage retrieval 
• Describe passage retrieval settings and usage 
• Use passage retrieval to return pointed results 

WebSphere Application Server architecture - stand-alone

Exercise: Profile creation
WebSphere Application Server administrative console
Exercise: Exploring the administrative console
Introduction to the PlantsByWebSphere application
Application assembly
Exercise: Assembling an application
Application installation
Exercise: Installing an application
Problem determination
Exercise: Problem determination
Introduction to wsadmin and scripting
Exercise: Using wsadmin
WebSphere security
Exercise: Configuring WebSphere Application Server security
Exercise: Configuring application security
Performance monitoring
Exercise: Using the performance monitoring tools
Course summary

P.IVA 06249920965
C.C.I.A.A. REA: MI - 1880014
Cap. Soc. € 12.000,00


Viale Premuda n. 14 ,20129 Milano
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